



Open Access Article

Contemporary Nursing. 2022; 3: (7) ; 53-56 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.cn.20220286.

Application of PBL combined with CBL teaching method in neurology nursing teaching

作者: 韩敏 *, 杨文, 弋霄, 何玲

川北医学院附属医院 四川南充

*通讯作者: 韩敏,单位:川北医学院附属医院 四川南充;

发布时间: 2022-08-31 总浏览量: 245


目的 针对PBL(以问题为导向的教学法)联合CBL(案例教学法)在神经内科护理带教中的应用效果进行探讨。方法 纳入自2020年2月至 2021年2月期间于本院神经内科实习的66名实习护生参与本次课题,根据人数平均分配为传统教学组及联合教学组,前者采用传统教学模式,后者则联合PBL以及CBL模拟培训的带教方式。结果 经过考核,联合教学组护生成绩明显较传统教学组护生成绩优异,并且带教老师普遍反映联合教学组学生综合能力优于传统教学组,数据(P<0.05),具有统计学意义;联合教学组带教满意度为96.97%,而传统带教组护生带教满意度仅为78.79%,联合带教组护生满意度明显高于传统教学组,数据(P<0.05);结论 联合PBL以及CBL进行模拟培训的带教方式,能够有效提升神经内科护士带教水平,能够保障整体带教效果及护生专业水平,具有广泛的临床推广价值。

关键词: PBL;CBL;神经内科;护生带教


Objective To explore the application effect of PBL (problem-oriented teaching method) and CBL (case teaching method) in neurology nursing teaching.
Methods 66 nursing students who practiced in the department of Neurology of our hospital from February 2020 to February 2021 were included in this study, and they were equally divided into traditional teaching group and combined teaching group according to the number of students. The former adopted traditional teaching mode, and the latter adopted PBL and CBL simulation training.
Results After assessment, the results of nursing students in the combined teaching group were significantly better than those in the traditional teaching group, and teachers generally reported that the comprehensive ability of students in the combined teaching group was better than that of the traditional teaching group, with statistically significant data (P < 0.05). The satisfaction degree of nursing students in the combined teaching group was 96.97%, while that in the traditional teaching group was only 78.79%. The satisfaction degree of nursing students in the combined teaching group was significantly higher than that in the traditional teaching group (P < 0.05).
Conclusion   Combined PBL and CBL simulation training can effectively improve the teaching level of neurology nurses, guarantee the overall teaching effect and professional level of nursing students, and has a wide range of clinical promotion value.

Key words: PBL; CBL. Department of Neurology; The teaching of nursing students

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韩敏, 杨文, 弋霄, 何玲, PBL联合CBL教学法在神经内科护理带教中的应用[J]. 当代护理, 2022; 3: (7) : 53-56.