



Open Access Article

Contemporary Nursing. 2022; 3: (6) ; 158-161 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.cn.20220266.

Application of low temperature and high sodium in hypotension in dialysis patients

作者: 苏璇 *

高州市中医院 广东茂名

*通讯作者: 苏璇,单位:高州市中医院 广东茂名;

发布时间: 2022-08-11 总浏览量: 330


目的 研究透析患者采取低温高钠后对低血压产生的作用。方法 实验对象:54例透析患者。实验时间:2021年2月-2022年2月。实验分组方法:随机数表方式。实验分组类别:对照组采取低温透析,共27例,观察组采取低温高钠透析,共27例。实验根本目的:对比两种透析方法后患者低血压发生率、血压变化以及超滤量、不良反应发生率。结果 观察组低血压发生率明显低于对照组,(P<0.05);透析前两组舒张压、收缩压无明显变化,(P>0.05),透析后观察组舒张压、收缩压明显高于对照组,(P<0.05);观察组和对照组在超滤量和不良反应发生率上无明显差异,(P<0.05)。结论 对于透析患者实施低温高钠能够有效控制低血压发生,效果更明显,值得临床重视。

关键词: 低温高钠;透析;低血压;效果


Objective To study the effect of hypothermia and hypernatremia on hypotension in dialysis patients.
Methods Subjects: 54 dialysis patients. Experiment time: February 2021-February 2022. Experiment grouping method: random number table method. Types of experimental groups: the control group was treated with low temperature dialysis, a total of 27 cases, and the observation group was treated with low temperature and high sodium dialysis, a total of 27 cases. The fundamental purpose of the experiment: to compare the incidence of hypotension, changes in blood pressure, ultrafiltration volume and incidence of adverse reactions in patients after two dialysis methods.
Results The incidence of hypotension in the observation group was significantly lower than that in the control group (P<0.05); there was no significant change in diastolic and systolic blood pressure in the two groups before dialysis (P>0.05). After dialysis, the diastolic and systolic blood pressure in the observation group were significantly higher than The control group, (P<0.05); the observation group and the control group had no significant difference in the amount of ultrafiltration and the incidence of adverse reactions (P<0.05).
Conclusion   Implementing low temperature and high sodium in dialysis patients can effectively control the occurrence of hypotension, and the effect is more obvious, which is worthy of clinical attention.

Key words: Hypothermia and high sodium; Dialysis; hypotension; Effect

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苏璇, 低温高钠对于透析病人低血压的应用[J]. 当代护理, 2022; 3: (6) : 158-161.