



Open Access Article

Contemporary Nursing. 2022; 3: (6) ; 155-157 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.cn.20220265.

Study on the effectiveness of the first sterilization of foreign device implants

作者: 朱璐晔 *, 何斌, 章晶晶

永康市第一人民医院 浙江永康

*通讯作者: 朱璐晔,单位:永康市第一人民医院 浙江永康;

发布时间: 2022-08-11 总浏览量: 787


目的 探究外来的医疗器械和植入物首次灭菌参数及其灭菌有效性。方法 选取300件外来医疗器械和植入物,采取随机分组的方式分为四个组,每组各75件。观察比较四组外来器械和植入物的湿包发生率、灭菌物理、化学、生物监测达标率。结果 在4组外来器械和植入物中,四组的湿包发生率分别是5.3%、8.0%、13.3%、20.0%;灭菌物理监测合格率各组均达到100%;灭菌化学监测合格率各组均达到100%;灭菌生物监测合格率各组均达到100%。结论 使用器械篮筐加棉布装配包装外来器械和植入物可以有效的降低湿包发生率,减少医院的感染发生率,保障患者的生命安全。

关键词: 外来器械;植入物;灭菌参数


Objective To explore the first sterilization parameters and sterilization effectiveness of foreign medical devices and implants.
Methods 300 pieces of foreign medical devices and implants were randomly divided into four groups, 75 pieces in each group. The incidence of wet package, sterilization physical, chemical and biological monitoring compliance rates of the four groups were observed and compared.
Results in the four groups of foreign instruments and implants, the incidence of wet package in the four groups was 5.3%, 8.0%, 13.3% and 20.0% respectively; the qualified rate of sterilization physical monitoring in each group was 100%; the qualified rate of sterilization chemical monitoring in each group was 100%; the qualified rate of sterilization biological monitoring in each group was 100%.
Conclusion   the use of equipment basket and cotton cloth assembly packaging of foreign devices and implants can effectively reduce the incidence of wet package, reduce the incidence of hospital infection, and ensure the safety of patients.

Key words: Foreign instruments; Implants; Sterilization parameters

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