



Open Access Article

Contemporary Nursing. 2022; 3: (6) ; 128-130 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.cn.20220257.

Risk factors and protection of occupational exposure of midwives

作者: 曹红玉 *

宜宾市第一人民医院 四川宜宾

*通讯作者: 曹红玉,单位:宜宾市第一人民医院 四川宜宾;

发布时间: 2022-08-11 总浏览量: 285



关键词: 高危因素;助产士;职业暴露


The nature of midwifery work determines that midwives will combine labor and nursing. In the process of childbirth, midwives spend more time with puerpera than obstetricians, so they can more carefully capture the subtle physical and psychological changes of puerpera during the whole process of childbirth. Because of their duties, midwives are exposed to the mother's blood, amniotic fluid, vaginal secretions and other infectious factors, which may adversely affect her physical and mental health. In the process of diagnosis and treatment by medical staff, patients' blood and body fluids are easily touched by medical staff and may cause infection. Room environment is more special, belongs to the closed, the departments of patients are maternal, mothers during childbirth, there will be blood, amniotic fluid, such as vaginal secretion, direct contact with the midwife these are risk factors of occupational infection, if you don't reasonable protective measures, improper operation, so the risk of infection, iatrogenic transmission through blood disease is very high. Poor awareness, knowledge and implementation of protective measures by midwives may increase the risk of contracting infectious diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to fully understand the risk factors of occupational injuries, strengthen comprehensive management, and actively and effectively carry out protection. Therefore, the risk factors of occupational injury should have a high cognitive, will have comprehensive management measures to strengthen, promote the enhancement of protective measures, to ensure effective in the work. Pregnancy management should be strengthened to ensure that every pregnant woman has regular check-ups, and early detection and attention to hidden infectious diseases, so as to reduce the chance of midwives being infected. Midwives also need to be educated about the need to protect themselves from occupational exposure and to improve their skills so that the quality and safety of midwives' work can be greatly improved.

Key words: High risk factors; The midwife; Occupational exposure

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曹红玉, 助产士职业暴露的高危因素与防护[J]. 当代护理, 2022; 3: (6) : 128-130.