



Open Access Article

Contemporary Nursing. 2022; 3: (6) ; 92-94 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.cn.20220246.

Application of PDCA circulation method combined with wechat in clinical nursing practiceof nephrology department to improve the effect of teaching

作者: 陈美旭 *

蒙自市人民医院 云南蒙自

*通讯作者: 陈美旭,单位:蒙自市人民医院 云南蒙自;

发布时间: 2022-08-10 总浏览量: 405


目的 对肾内科临床进行实习的护生来说,高效的带教方式能够使其实习效果更高,采用PDCA循环法与微信相结合的形式进行带教,并研究这种方式的带教效果。方法 将护生入院实习的年份作为分组的主要界限,2019年的肾内科实习护生35人为对照组,采用常规带教的形式,而2020年到肾内科进行实习的护生35人为实验组,利用PDCA循环法与微信相结合的形式进行带教,对比两组的带教效果。结果 本研究对比两组实习生的考核成绩,实验组理论知识和实际操作都优于对照组,且综合能力高于对照组,P<0.05。结论 PDCA循环法结合微信的带教形式能够更加高效的帮助肾内科实习护生掌握专业知识,并促使其实际操作能力提高,促进护生的学习积极性,从而提升整体的带教效果以及实习护生的综合能力。

关键词: 肾内科;PDCA循环系统;微信;临床护理带教


Objective for nursing students in clinical practice of nephrology department, an efficient teaching method can make their practice effect higher. PDCA circulation method and wechat are combined for teaching, and the teaching effect of this method is studied.
Methods Taking the year of nursing students' admission practice as the main boundary of grouping, 35 nursing students in nephrology department in 2019 were the control group, using the form of conventional teaching, while 35 nursing students in nephrology department in 2020 were the experimental group, using the combination of PDCA circulation method and wechat to teach, and the teaching effects of the two groups were compared.
Results In this study, comparing the assessment results of the two interns, the theoretical knowledge and practical operation of the experimental group were better than the control group, and the comprehensive ability was higher than the control group, P <0.05.
Conclusion   PDCA cycle method combined with the teaching form of wechat can more effectively help nephrology nursing students to master professional knowledge, promote their practical operation ability, promote the learning enthusiasm of nursing students, so as to improve the overall teaching effect and the comprehensive ability of nursing students.

Key words: Nephrology; PDCA circulation system; WeChat; Clinical nursing teaching

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