



Open Access Article

Contemporary Nursing. 2022; 3: (6) ; 27-29 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.cn.20220227.

Application of responsibility nursing in high-quality nursing in geriatrics

作者: 詹红蓉 *, 肖艳

中国人民解放军联勤保障部队第九二〇医院干部病房 云南昆明

*通讯作者: 詹红蓉,单位:中国人民解放军联勤保障部队第九二〇医院干部病房 云南昆明;

发布时间: 2022-08-08 总浏览量: 269


目的 探究老年科优质护理中责任制护理的作用。方法 本次实验跨越2021年2月至2022年2月这一时间段,研究人员对130例老年科患者进行研究。研究人员按照双盲对照原则对本次实验研究对象进行分组,对照组所选65例患者实施优质护理,实验组所选65例患者优质护理中应用责任制护理,记录对照组及实验组所选患者护理不良事件出现情况、患者用药顺应性,并实施比较分析。结果 对照组及实验组所选患者中分别有8人及2人出现护理不良事件,占组内所选患者总人数的比例分别为12.31%及3.08%,比较分析组间护理不良事件出现概率相关数据,差异较大,(p<0.05);对照组及实验组所选患者中用药完全顺应及部分顺应人数分别为53人及62人,占比分别为81.54%及95.38%,比较组间患者用药顺应性,有着较大的差距,(p<0.05)。结论 在老年科优质护理中责任制护理有着较高的应用价值。

关键词: 老年科;优质护理;责任制护理


Objective To explore the role of responsibility nursing in high-quality nursing in geriatrics.
Methods This experiment spanned the time period from February 2021 to February 2022, and researchers studied 130 geriatric patients. The researchers divided the subjects of this experiment into groups according to the principle of double-blind control. 65 patients in the control group were selected to receive high-quality nursing care, and 65 patients in the experimental group were selected for high-quality nursing by applying responsible nursing care. Record the selected patients in the control group and the experimental group. The occurrence of adverse events in patient care and the compliance of patients with medication were compared and analyzed.
Results There were 8 and 2 selected patients in the control group and experimental group, respectively, had adverse nursing events, accounting for 12.31% and 3.08% of the total number of selected patients in the group, respectively. The probability of adverse nursing events between the groups was compared and analyzed. Relevant data, the difference is large (p < 0.05); the number of patients in the control group and the experimental group who were fully compliant and partially compliant were 53 and 62, accounting for 81.54% and 95.38%, respectively. There was a large gap in patients' medication compliance (p < 0.05).
Conclusion   Responsibility nursing has high application value in high-quality nursing in geriatrics.

Key words: Geriatrics; Quality nursing; Responsible nursing

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詹红蓉, 肖艳, 责任制护理在老年科优质护理中的应用[J]. 当代护理, 2022; 3: (6) : 27-29.