



Open Access Article

Contemporary Nursing. 2022; 3: (5) ; 34-37 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.cn.20220179.

Analysis of nurse-patient communication skills in psychiatric nursing work

作者: 丁建华 *

成都市第四人民医院 四川成都

*通讯作者: 丁建华,单位:成都市第四人民医院 四川成都;

发布时间: 2022-07-13 总浏览量: 374


目的 在于分析护患沟通技巧及其在精神科护理工作中的实际应用。方法 在我院精神科某一阶段收治的所有患者中,选择60例作为本次研究对象,按照护理方式的不同将其分成两个小组,每组各30例患者,一组实施常规护理措施,命名为对照组,另一组在常规护理的基础上加入护患沟通技巧,命名为研究组。经过一段时间的护理后,比较两组患者的护理后的心理情绪状况以及护理满意度。结果 由统计数据可知,两组之间的对比差异明显,研究组患者护理后的心理情绪状况以及护理满意度均明显优于对照组(P<0.05)。结论 精神科患者本就是特殊的患者群体,在对其进行日常护理时存在很大的难度,若加上灵活的沟通技巧,了解和掌握患者的心理状态及细微变化,便能得知患者内心的实际需要,并满足其合理需求,使之心理状态保持相对平稳。另外,精神科患者不仅需要专业医护人员的帮助,也需要家属的支持,护理人员除了要取得患者的信任,建立护患之间和谐的关系,更要与患者家属积极沟通和交流,得到患者家属的强大助力,从而共同为精神科患者提供精神和物质上的支撑,帮助其消化负面情绪,提升患者依从性、整体护理效果以及护理满意度。由此,在精神科护理中应用科学的护患沟通技巧对患者恢复是有效的,可以在临床实践中广泛应用。

关键词: 精神科;护理工作;护患沟通;技巧


Objective to analyze the nurse-patient communication skills and their practical application in psychiatric nursing.
Methods among all the patients treated in the psychiatric department of our hospital at a certain stage, 60 cases were selected as the research object. According to the different nursing methods, they were divided into two groups with 30 patients in each group. One group implemented routine nursing measures and was named the control group, and the other group added nurse-patient communication skills on the basis of routine nursing and was named the research group. After a period of nursing, the psychological and emotional status and nursing satisfaction of the two groups were compared.
Results the statistical data showed that there were significant differences between the two groups. The psychological and emotional status and nursing satisfaction of patients in the study group were significantly better than those in the control group (P < 0.05).
Conclusion   psychiatric patients are a special group of patients, and there are great difficulties in their daily nursing. If we add flexible communication skills to understand and master the psychological state and subtle changes of patients, we can know the actual needs of patients, meet their reasonable needs, and keep their psychological state relatively stable. In addition, psychiatric patients need not only the help of professional medical staff, but also the support of family members. In addition to gaining the trust of patients and establishing a harmonious relationship between nurses and patients, nurses should actively communicate and communicate with patients' family members and get strong help from patients' family members, so as to jointly provide spiritual and material support for psychiatric patients, help them digest negative emotions and improve patients' compliance Overall nursing effect and nursing satisfaction. Therefore, the application of scientific nurse-patient communication skills in psychiatric nursing is effective for patient recovery and can be widely used in clinical practice.

Key words: Psychiatry; Nursing work; Nurse patient communication; Skill

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丁建华, 精神科护理工作中的护患沟通技巧分析[J]. 当代护理, 2022; 3: (5) : 34-37.