



Open Access Article

Contemporary Nursing. 2022; 3: (4) ; 14-17 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.cn.20220121.

Nursing care of a case of ectopic maxillary sinus root extraction by external fenestration

作者: 廖玲玲, 李柳璇 *

四川大学华西口腔医院全科门诊及急诊科 四川成都

*通讯作者: 李柳璇,单位:四川大学华西口腔医院全科门诊及急诊科 四川成都;

发布时间: 2022-06-06 总浏览量: 384


目的 探究一例上颌窦异位牙根外开窗拔除术的护理措施。方法 将在我院进行上颌窦异位牙根外开窗拔除术的一例患者纳为研究对象,对其应用相关护理措施,总结护理经验。结果 本例患者在术中无大出血,也无术后感染等并发症,CT片示右侧上颌窦异位牙已消失,患者术后3天回访,患牙无任何不适。结论 临床中对上颌窦异位牙根外开窗拔除术患者的护理措施未来还需加强管理,以促使患者尽快康复,减少术后并发症,提升患者的生理和心理舒适度,患者及家属对本次手术治疗的满意度均较高。

关键词: 上颌窦异位牙根外开窗拔除术;临床护理


Objective To explore the nursing measures of a case of ectopic maxillary sinus root extraction by external fenestration.
Methods a patient who underwent external fenestration and extraction of ectopic maxillary sinus roots in our hospital was included as the research object, applied relevant nursing measures and summarized nursing experience.
Results This patient had no bleeding during the operation, and no complications such as postoperative infection. The CT film showed that the ectopic tooth in the right maxillary sinus had disappeared, and the patient had a follow-up visit three days after the operation, and the affected tooth had no discomfort.
Conclusion   the clinical nursing measures for patients with ectopic maxillary sinus root extraction need to be strengthened in the future, so as to promote the patients to recover as soon as possible, reduce postoperative complications and improve the patients' physiological and psychological comfort. The patients and their families are highly satisfied with the surgical treatment.

Key words: External fenestration and extraction of ectopic maxillary sinus roots; Clinical nursing

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廖玲玲, 李柳璇, 一例上颌窦异位牙根外开窗拔除术的护理[J]. 当代护理, 2022; 3: (4) : 14-17.