关键词: 脊髓损伤;截瘫;膀胱功能训练
Spinal cord injuries are mostly caused by trauma to the spine, including injuries caused by car accidents or sports, coupled with external forces, or falling from high altitudes. The main reason for paraplegia is that the spinal cord in the spine is injured by trauma or disease, so the area of injury will directly affect the body, movement, sensation, and autonomic nerve function. Combined with clinical analysis of the impact of spinal cord injury and paraplegia on bladder function, on this basis, combined with nursing operations, to discuss the nursing methods to improve bladder function, and summarize the nursing progress, so as to achieve a safer and more reasonable application of measures. The purpose is to promote the comprehensive improvement of bladder function of patients and improve their quality of life. This article mainly analyzes the nursing progress of bladder function training in patients with paraplegia caused by spinal cord injury.
Key words: Spinal cord injury; Paraplegia; Bladder function training
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