



Open Access Article

Contemporary Nursing. 2022; 3: (3) ; 121-125 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.cn.20220099.

The effect of cluster nursing on delirium in ICU mechanically ventilated patients

作者: 盖鑫 *, 王新娟, 于艳, 李淑媛, 贾敏

胜利油田中心医院重症医学 山东东营

*通讯作者: 盖鑫,单位:胜利油田中心医院重症医学 山东东营;

发布时间: 2022-05-18 总浏览量: 374


目的 分析临床干预ICU机械通气患者时使用集束化护理管理对谵妄的影响研究。方法 入选患者选取我院自2021年1月起,直至2021年12月截止,期间我院救治的ICU机械通气患者480例作为临床研究、分析对象,将480例入选患者依照随机抽签法均分为研究组、对照组两组,每组患者人数均为240例,其中对照组使用传统护理服务,研究组在对照组基础上添加集束化护理服务,比较两组患者经临床干预后,不良症状发生情况、患者谵妄症状发生情况、谵妄维持时间、机械通气时间、APACHEⅡ评分等。结果 经研究,研究组患者发生不良症状情况为(1.67%)对比对照组(5.42%),高于对照组;研究组患者谵妄发生情况对比对照组,高于对照组;研究组患者谵妄维持时间、机械通气时间优于对照组,研究组、对照组患者经临床干预前APACHEⅡ评分差异性不显著,干预后,两组评分均有显著改善,但研究组患者改善效果优于对照组,对比差异显著(P<0.05),存在统计学意义。结论 临床干预ICU机械通气患者使用集束化护理,降低有效降低不良症状发生率,减少患者谵妄症状发生率,提高患者康复时间,值得临床广泛应用。

关键词: ICU机械通气;谵妄;集束化护理;效果研究


Objective To analyze the effect of cluster nursing management on delirium during clinical intervention in ICU mechanically ventilated patients.
Methods The selected patients were selected from our hospital from January 2021 to December 2021. During this period, 480 ICU mechanically ventilated patients treated in our hospital were treated as clinical research and analysis objects. The research group and the control group were divided into two groups, with 240 patients in each group. The control group used traditional nursing services, and the research group added bundled nursing services on the basis of the control group. The incidence of adverse symptoms in the two groups of patients after clinical intervention was compared. conditions, the occurrence of delirium symptoms, the duration of delirium maintenance, the duration of mechanical ventilation, and the APACHE II score.
Results After the study, the incidence of adverse symptoms in the study group was (1.67%) compared with the control group (5.42%), which was higher than that in the control group; the incidence of delirium in the study group was higher than that in the control group, and the duration of delirium in the study group was higher than that in the control group. The time of mechanical ventilation was better than that of the control group. The difference of APACHE II score between the study group and the control group before clinical intervention was not significant. Significant (P<0.05), there is statistical significance.
Conclusion   Clinical intervention in ICU mechanically ventilated patients using cluster nursing can effectively reduce the incidence of adverse symptoms, reduce the incidence of delirium symptoms, and improve the recovery time of patients, which is worthy of wide clinical application.

Key words: ICU mechanical ventilation; Delirium; Cluster nursing; Effect research

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盖鑫, 王新娟, 于艳, 李淑媛, 贾敏, 集束化护理对ICU机械通气患者谵妄的影响[J]. 当代护理, 2022; 3: (3) : 121-125.