目的 本次研究主要是为了分析对于围手术期内的疝气患儿,实施快速康复外科护理(ERAS)对患者禁食时间的影响。方法 将2020年1月~2021年12月在我院接受手术治疗的疝气患者作为此次研究实验的对象,共选取100例,按照入院的先后顺序将患者均分为两组,然后分别将ERAS、常规护理应用于研究组和对照组患者的治疗过程中,比较两组患者的临床效果差异。结果 (1)对于手术之前1小时和清醒后1小时的饥饿性哭吵发生情况,研究组患者均比对照组患者轻微(p<0.05);(2)研究组患者禁止饮水和禁奶的时间均更短(p<0.05);(3)两组患者家属对于护理的满意度有明显的差异,研究组患者明显更加满意(p<0.05)。结论 疝气患者在接受手术治疗之后很可能需要禁食禁水,而实施ERAS可以有效缩短患者的禁食时间,患者出现哭闹的情况也大大减少,因此研究组患者家属对于ERAS的护理效果更加满意,值得推广。
关键词: ERAS;疝气;围手术期;禁食时间
Objective To analyze the impact of rapid rehabilitation surgical care (ERAS) on patients' fasting time for patients with hernias during the perioperative period. Methods from January 2020 to December 2021, patients who received surgery in our hospital as the object of this research experiment, selected a total of 100 cases, and the patients were divided into two groups in the order of admission, and then ERAS was separated respectively. In the treatment of regular nursing in the treatment of patients in the research group and control group, the clinical effects of the two groups of patients are compared. Results (1) For the occurrence of hunger crying 1 hour before surgery and 1 hour after awake, the patients of the research group were slightly slightly slightly compared to patients in the control group (P <0.05); Both were shorter (P <0.05); (3) The family members of the two groups were significantly different about the satisfaction of nursing, and the patients of the research group were significantly satisfied (P <0.05). Conclusion that patients with hernias are likely to need to fast and prohibitive after undergoing surgery, and implementing ERAS can effectively shorten patients' fasting time, and the patient's crying situation is greatly reduced. Therefore , Worth promoting.
Key words: ERAS; Hernia; Perioperative surgery; Fasting time
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