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Open Access Article
Contemporary Nursing. 2021; 2: (2) ; 1-4 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.cn.20210027.
中国人民解放军东部战区总医院第一派驻门诊部 江苏南京
中国人民解放军东部战区总医院疾病预防控制科 江苏南京
中国人民解放军东部战区总医院护理部 江苏南京
*通讯作者: 倪娟,单位:中国人民解放军东部战区总医院护理部 江苏南京;
发布时间: 2021-04-02 总浏览量: 1016
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Posture management plays a pivotal role in the care of pneumonia patients. However, since the outbreak of the new coronavirus pneumonia, postural care for patients with new coronary pneumonia has also attracted many people's attention. How to provide the best position for patients with novel coronavirus pneumonia to promote rapid recovery of their lung function is one of the great challenges faced by nursing staff. In order to improve the positional comfort and quality of care for patients with new coronavirus, this article describes the optimal angle of sitting and lying positions for patients with new coronavirus, the timing of rotating positions, and the optimal position for mechanically assisted ventilation. This article shows that the best sitting and lying position for patients with new coronary pneumonia is 30°. It is recommended to turn over half-sitting and side-lying every 2 hours. For patients with new coronary pneumonia, it is recommended to use the prone position when undergoing mechanical ventilation.
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