Open Access Article
Contemporary Nursing. 2020; 1: (2) ; 55-57 ; DOI: 10.12208/
Effect of Quality Control Circle on Endocrinology Department to Improve the Compliance of Diabetes Patients with Diet Therapy
张佩佩 *,
云南新昆华医院内分泌科 云南昆明
张佩佩,单位:云南新昆华医院内分泌科 云南昆明;
发布时间: 2020-08-06 总浏览量: 721
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目的 探讨在糖尿病患者临床护理中开展品管圈活动在提高患者饮食治疗依从性方面所发挥出的作用。方法 本次研究对象选自我院收治的糖尿病患者,共60例,在患者饮食治疗中,按照饮食护理管理方式的不同应用,将其分组展开实验。按照以往常规饮食护理路径,给予对照组患者饮食上的指导,组内成员共30例。其余患者归为观察组,在明确品管圈活动主题的前提下,总结以往糖尿病患者诊治和护理经验,分析患者饮食治疗依从性下降的原因,对原有的护理方案进行优化,并落实于具体的工作当中。结果 从两组患者饮食治疗依从率、血糖控制情况以及护理满意度各项指标的比较上来看,观察组的整体护理效果更好,指标差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 在品管圈活动的开展下,明确糖尿病患者饮食护理要点,护理内容更具针对性,从质控检查制度的完善、护理人员的培训等方面入手,实现对糖尿病患者临床护理质量的有效控制,提高患者饮食治疗依从性,达到良好的治疗效果。
关键词: 糖尿病;品管圈活动;饮食治疗;依从性
Objective: To explore the role played by quality control circle activities in the clinical nursing of diabetic patients in improving the compliance of patients with diet therapy. Methods: This study included 60 patients with diabetes who were admitted to our hospital. In the dietary treatment of patients, they were grouped according to different applications of dietary care management methods. According to the conventional routine diet care route, the control group was given dietary guidance. There were 30 members in the group. The rest of the patients were put into the observation group. On the premise of clarifying the theme of the quality control circle activities, they summarized the previous diagnosis and treatment experience of diabetic patients, analyzed the reasons for the decline in patients' dietary treatment compliance, optimized the original nursing plan, and put into practice. Results: From the comparison of the indicators of dietary treatment compliance rate, blood glucose control and nursing satisfaction of the two groups of patients, the overall nursing effect of the observation group was better, and the difference in indicators was statistically significant (P <0.05). Conclusion : Under the activities of the quality control circle, the main points of diet care for diabetic patients are clarified, and the content of nursing is more targeted. Starting from the improvement of the quality control inspection system and the training of nursing staff, we can effectively control the quality of clinical care for diabetic patients, improve the compliance of patients with dietary treatment, and achieve good treatment results.
Key words: Diabetes; Quality Control Circle Activity; Diet Therapy; Compliance
参考文献 References
张佩佩, 关守萍, 品管圈对内分泌科提高糖尿病患者饮食治疗依从性的影响[J]. 当代护理, 2020; 1: (2) : 55-57.