



Open Access Article

Contemporary Nursing. 2025; 6: (1) ; 167-170 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.cn.20250048.

Application of hybrid teaching in the context of industry-education integration in the course of "Internal Medicine Nursing" in higher vocational colleges

作者: 李丽 *, 魏娇

云南经贸外事职业学院 云南昆明

*通讯作者: 李丽,单位:云南经贸外事职业学院 云南昆明;

发布时间: 2025-01-13 总浏览量: 133


目的 探讨在高职院校《内科护理学》教学中实施产教融合背景下混合式教学模式的效用价值。方法 此次研究共选取300名高职院校护生进行对比实验,采取盲抽方式进行组别划分,对照与观察组均为150名护生,前者采取传统带教模式,后者实施产教融合背景下混合式教学模式,观察并深入分析两组实际成效。结果 经实验中各项数据显示,相较于对照组,观察组护生学习效果以及对教学满意度均较高(P<0.05);对比自主学习能力方面,授课前后两组评分经对比分别呈现出(P>0.05)与(P<0.05),前者表示无统计学意义,而授课后观察组护生各维度评分及总分均较对照组优。结论 对于高职院校护生而言,教学期间实施产教融合背景下混合式教学模式可切实提升其自主学习能力,综合护理能力也得到显著提高,有效增强护生整体教学满意度。

关键词: 产教融合背景下;混合式教学;高职院校;内科护理学


Objective To explore the utility value of hybrid teaching mode in the context of industry-education integration in the teaching of "Internal Medicine Nursing" in higher vocational colleges.
Methods A total of 300 nursing students from higher vocational colleges were selected for comparative experiments in this study. The groups were divided into groups by blind sampling. There were 150 nursing students in both the control and observation groups. The former adopted the traditional teaching mode, while the latter implemented the hybrid teaching mode under the background of industry-education integration. The actual results of the two groups were observed and analyzed in depth.
Results The data in the experiment showed that compared with the control group, the learning effect and teaching satisfaction of the nursing students in the observation group were higher (P<0.05); in terms of autonomous learning ability, the scores of the two groups before and after the course were compared (P>0.05) and (P<0.05), respectively. The former showed no statistical significance, while the scores of the nursing students in the observation group in each dimension and the total score after the course were better than those in the control group.
Conclusion   For nursing students in higher vocational colleges, the implementation of the hybrid teaching model under the background of industry-education integration during teaching can effectively improve their autonomous learning ability, and their comprehensive nursing ability is also significantly improved, which effectively enhances the overall teaching satisfaction of nursing students.

Key words: Industry-education integration background; Hybrid teaching; Higher vocational colleges; Internal medicine nursing

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李丽, 魏娇, 产教融合背景下混合式教学在高职院校《内科护理学》中的应用[J]. 当代护理, 2025; 6: (1) : 167-170.