



Open Access Article

Contemporary Nursing. 2025; 6: (1) ; 146-149 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.cn.20250042.

Study on the effect of cognitive behavioral intervention on the psychological behavior of girls with precocious puberty

作者: 郭路 *

芜湖市第一人民医院 安徽芜湖

*通讯作者: 郭路,单位:芜湖市第一人民医院 安徽芜湖;

发布时间: 2025-01-12 总浏览量: 116


目的 探讨在性早熟女童治疗过程中,采用认知行为干预对改善患儿心理行为问题的影响。方法 采用分组对照理论进行研究设计,实验时间为2019年7月-2020年7月,研究对象为此期间内于我院接受治疗的64名女童患儿,设置组别为观察组(n=32)和对照组(n=32)接受不同干预方案,分析记录两组患儿的心理行为问题评分差异。结果 在干预前,两组儿童心理行为评估评分相近,比较结果无意义,干预后,观察组在总粗分、外向性行为问题、抑郁等参数方面均要低于常规组,P<0.05,差异存在统计学意义;但两组在分裂样强迫、残忍评估方面评分相近,组间无明显差异,P>0.05。结论 在对疾病女童进行治疗干预时,采用认知行为方案,更有利于控制儿童病症进展,改善其心理行为问题,提高治疗效率。

关键词: 性早熟女童;认知行为干预;心理行为;影响研究


Objective To explore the effect of cognitive behavioral intervention on improving the psychological and behavioral problems of girls with precocious puberty during treatment.
Methods The research design was based on group control theory. The experimental time was from July 2019 to July 2020. The subjects were 64 girls who received treatment in our hospital during this period. The groups were set up as an observation group (n=32) and a control group (n=32) to receive different intervention schemes. The differences in the scores of psychological and behavioral problems of the two groups of children were analyzed and recorded.
Results Before the intervention, the psychological and behavioral assessment scores of the two groups of children were similar, and the comparison results were meaningless. After the intervention, the observation group was lower than the conventional group in terms of total crude score, extroverted behavior problems, depression and other parameters, P<0.05, and the difference was statistically significant; but the two groups had similar scores in schizoid compulsion and cruelty assessment, and there was no significant difference between the groups, P>0.05.
Conclusion   When conducting treatment interventions on sick girls, the use of cognitive behavioral programs is more conducive to controlling the progression of children's symptoms, improving their psychological and behavioral problems, and improving treatment efficiency.

Key words: Precocious puberty girls; Cognitive behavioral intervention; Psychological behavior; Impact study

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郭路, 性早熟女童实施认知行为干预对其心理行为的影响研究[J]. 当代护理, 2025; 6: (1) : 146-149.