目的 探讨在门诊护理管理中应用基于绩效考核的优质服务模式对提高护理质量、患者满意度的作用与影响。方法 2023年5月~2023年5月期间,随机从笔者所在医院门诊收治的患者中挑选50例参与课题研究。依循数字随机分组法将挑选的50例门诊患者分为对照组(n=25)与研究组(n=25)。在门诊护理管理工作中,对照组纳入患者予以常规护理模式,研究组则采用基于绩效考核的优质服务模式。各项护理管理工作实施后,就两组的护理质量评分、患者满意度评分以及不良事件发生情况进行统计分析。结果 采用不同的护理模式后,经对两组所纳入患者的评分指标即护理质量、患者满意度展开评定,研究组皆高于对照组(P<0.05)。经对研究组所纳入患者的不良事件发生概率展开评定为4.00%,对照组评定结果为24.00%,前组低于后组(P<0.05)。结论 在门诊护理管理工作中采取基于绩效考核的优质服务模式,有助于提升整体护理质量,改善患者对护理管理工作的满意度,同时还能降低不良事件的发生风险,具有较高的临床推介价值。
关键词: 门诊护理管理;绩效考核;优质服务模式;护理质量;满意度
Objective To explore the effect and influence of applying the quality service mode based on performance appraisal in outpatient nursing management on improving nursing quality and patient satisfaction. Methods From May 2023 to May 2023,50 patients admitted to the outpatient department of the author hospital were randomly selected to participate in the subject study. The selected 50 outpatients were divided into the control group (n=25) and the study group (n=25). In the outpatient nursing management work, the control group included the patients for routine nursing mode, while the research group adopted the quality service mode based on performance assessment. After the implementation of various nursing management work, the statistical analysis was conducted on the nursing quality score, patient satisfaction score and the occurrence of adverse events in the two groups. Results After adopting different nursing modes, the scoring indicators of the two patients, namely nursing quality and patient satisfaction, and the study group was higher than that of the control group (P <0.05). The probability of adverse events of the patients included in the study group was 4.00%, the control group was 24.00%, and the former group was lower than the posterior group (P <0.05). Conclusion Adopt the quality service mode based on performance appraisal in outpatient nursing management is helpful to improve the overall nursing quality, improve patients' satisfaction with nursing management, and reduce the risk of adverse events, which has high clinical recommendation value.
Key words: Outpatient nursing management; Performance appraisal; Quality service mode; Nursing quality; Satisfaction
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