目的 分析护理病案对医保工作的重要性影响,以供参考。方法 我区域内一家二级,二级医院于2022年4月-2023年4月,1年内收治的100例就诊患者,将所有患者按照病案采用方法的不同,分为对照组(50例,使用常规病案编写)和研究组(50例,采用护理病案编写)。对两组在护理完成后对医保工作的影响效果进行收集和分析。结果 两组患者在接受护理后均进行医保工作,但研究组患者的满意度较对照组更高,医护人员工作融洽度较对照组更高,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 在进行医保工作时,通过使用护理病案可取得显著更佳的效果,提高患者对医保工作的满意度和医护人员的工作融洽度,为医保工作的顺利进行提高强有力的支持,有较高应用价值。
关键词: 护理病案;医保;重要性研究
Objective To analyze the importance and impact of nursing medical records on medical insurance work for reference. Methods A total of 100 patients admitted to a secondary hospital in our region from April 2024 to April 2023 were divided into a control group (50 cases, written using conventional medical records) and a study group (50 cases, written using nursing medical records) based on the different methods of medical records. Collect and analyze the impact of nursing completion on medical insurance work in two groups. Results Both groups of patients underwent medical insurance work after receiving care, but the satisfaction of the study group patients was higher than that of the control group, and the work harmony of medical staff was higher than that of the control group, with statistical significance (P<0.05). Conclusion When carrying out medical insurance work, the use of nursing medical records can achieve significant and better results, improve patient satisfaction with medical insurance work and the harmony of medical staff, provide strong support for the smooth progress of medical insurance work, and have high application value.
Key words: Nursing medical records; Medical insurance; Importance research
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