



Open Access Article

Contemporary Nursing. 2025; 6: (1) ; 44-46 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.cn.20250011.

Observation on perioperative nursing care of patients with thoracolumbar vertebral compression fracture

作者: 于雪 *

中国人民解放军海军第九七一医院 山东青岛

*通讯作者: 于雪,单位:中国人民解放军海军第九七一医院 山东青岛;

发布时间: 2025-01-10 总浏览量: 186


目的 分析对胸腰椎压缩性骨折患者应用围术期护理的效果。方法 抽选2021年5月-2023年5月于我院就诊的胸腰椎压缩性骨折患者68例,以分层随机法分34例为对照组实施普通围术期护理,另外34例为观察组则实施综合性围术期护理,以JOA腰痛评分、ADL日常生活指数、整体住院时间、焦虑负性情绪对比两组患者整体护理效果;结果 护理后观察组JOA疼痛评分更低、ADL日常生活指数更高、整体住院时间更短、SAS焦虑负性情况更低,差异具有统计学意义,P﹤0.05。结论 对胸腰椎压缩性骨折患者实施综合性围术期护理可进一步缓解术后疼痛、提高患者身体的舒适度,加快康复进程,利于尽早转归和居家休养。

关键词: 围术期护理;胸腰椎压缩性骨折;骨折;护理质量;综合护理


Objective To analyze the effect of perioperative nursing on patients with thoracolumbar compression fractures.
Methods A total of 68 patients with thoracolumbar compression fractures who were treated in our hospital from May 2021 to May 2023 were selected and divided into 34 cases as the control group for ordinary perioperative nursing, and the other 34 cases as the observation group for comprehensive perioperative nursing. The overall nursing effect of the two groups was compared by JOA low back pain score, ADL daily life index, overall hospitalization time, and negative anxiety.
Results After nursing, the observation group had lower JOA pain score, higher ADL daily life index, shorter overall hospitalization time, and lower SAS negative anxiety, and the difference was statistically significant, P﹤0.05.
Conclusion   Comprehensive perioperative nursing for patients with thoracolumbar compression fractures can further relieve postoperative pain, improve the patient's physical comfort, accelerate the rehabilitation process, and facilitate early prognosis and home recuperation.

Key words: Perioperative nursing; Thoracolumbar compression fracture; Fracture; Nursing quality; Comprehensive nursing

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