目的 本研究旨在探讨症状引导下的思维导图结合案例分析在心内科规培护士急症护理教学中的应用及其效果。方法 研究选取了2021年9月—2022年8月间我院176名心内科规培护士,并随机分为常规组和结合组,每组88人。常规组采用传统教学法,而结合组则采用症状引导下的思维导图与案例分析法进行教学。并调查其综合能力和教学满意度情况。结果 结合组护士在理论知识、操作实践、学习能力和沟通能力方面的评分均显著高于常规组(P<0.05)。同时,结合组对教学满意度的评分也明显高于对照组(P<0.05)。结论 症状引导下的思维导图结合案例分析法能有效提升心内科规培护士的急症护理能力和教学满意度,值得在护理教学中推广应用。
关键词: 症状引导;思维导图;案例分析;心内科;规培护士;急症护理教学
Objective This study aims to explore the application and effect of symptom-guided mind mapping combined with case analysis in the emergency nursing teaching of cardiology nurses. Methods A total of 176 cardiology nurses in our hospital from September 2021 to August 2022 were selected and randomly divided into a conventional group and a combined group, with 88 people in each group. The conventional group used traditional teaching methods, while the combined group used symptom-guided mind mapping and case analysis for teaching. And investigate their comprehensive ability and teaching satisfaction. Results The scores of nurses in the combined group in theoretical knowledge, operational practice, learning ability and communication ability were significantly higher than those in the conventional group (P<0.05). At the same time, the score of teaching satisfaction in the combined group was also significantly higher than that in the control group (P<0.05). Conclusion The symptom-guided mind mapping combined with case analysis can effectively improve the emergency nursing ability and teaching satisfaction of cardiology nurses, and it is worth promoting and applying in nursing teaching.
Key words: Symptom guidance; Mind mapping; Case analysis; Cardiology; Regulated nurses; Emergency nursing teaching
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