



Open Access Article

Contemporary Nursing. 2025; 6: (1) ; 14-17 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.cn.20250004.

Observation on the efficacy of short-wave ultraviolet therapy device in the treatment of oral mucositis in children with tumors

作者: 谭文婷, 曹菲阳, 段茹歌, 李威娜, 张芳芳 *

西安市儿童医院血液肿瘤科 陕西西安

*通讯作者: 张芳芳,单位:西安市儿童医院血液肿瘤科 陕西西安;

发布时间: 2025-01-07 总浏览量: 170


目的 探讨短波紫外线治疗仪在儿童肿瘤患者口腔黏膜炎(Oral Mucositis,OM)中的临床疗效。方法 选取2023年1月至2023年12月期间在本院接受化疗并发生OM的100例儿童肿瘤患者作为研究对象。根据随机数字表法将其分为观察组和对照组,每组各50例。对照组采用常规治疗方法。观察组在此基础上,额外使用ZYY-9增强型短波紫外线治疗仪进行照射治疗。主要观察指标包括疼痛感消失时间、溃疡面积缩小及愈合时间以及OM治愈率。结果 观察组患儿疼痛感消失时间(4.77±0.61天)显著早于对照组(7.09±1.04天),差异具有统计学意义(P<0.001)。观察组溃疡面积缩小时间(7.22±1.89天)和愈合时间(9.22±3.04天)均显著早于对照组(分别为10.28±2.33天和6.13±2.58天),差异均有统计学意义(P<0.001)。观察组OM治愈率为80.00%,显著高于对照组的60.00%(P<0.05)。结论 短波紫外线治疗仪在儿童肿瘤患者OM治疗中显示出显著的临床疗效,能够显著缩短疼痛感消失时间和溃疡愈合时间,提高OM治愈率,且安全性良好。该方法在临床实践中具有重要的应用价值。

关键词: 短波紫外线治疗仪;口腔黏膜炎;儿童肿瘤患者;化疗并发症;临床疗效


Objective To explore the clinical efficacy of short-wave ultraviolet therapy device in oral mucositis (OM) in children with tumors.
Methods A total of 100 children with tumors who received chemotherapy and developed OM in our hospital from January 2023 to December 2023 were selected as the research subjects. According to the random number table method, they were divided into an observation group and a control group, with 50 cases in each group. The control group used conventional treatment methods. On this basis, the observation group additionally used ZYY-9 enhanced short-wave ultraviolet therapy device for irradiation treatment. The main observation indicators included the disappearance time of pain, the reduction and healing time of ulcer area, and the cure rate of OM.
Results The disappearance time of pain in the observation group (4.77±0.61 days) was significantly earlier than that in the control group (7.09±1.04 days), and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.001). The ulcer area reduction time (7.22±1.89 days) and healing time (9.22±3.04 days) in the observation group were significantly earlier than those in the control group (10.28±2.33 days and 6.13±2.58 days, respectively), and the differences were statistically significant (P<0.001). The OM cure rate in the observation group was 80.00%, which was significantly higher than 60.00% in the control group (P<0.05).
Conclusion   Short-wave ultraviolet therapy device shows significant clinical efficacy in the treatment of OM in children with tumors, which can significantly shorten the time for pain disappearance and ulcer healing, improve the OM cure rate, and has good safety. This method has important application value in clinical practice.

Key words: Short-wave ultraviolet therapy device; Oral mucositis; Children with tumors; Chemotherapy complications; Clinical efficacy

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谭文婷, 曹菲阳, 段茹歌, 李威娜, 张芳芳, 短波紫外线治疗仪治疗儿童肿瘤患者口腔黏膜炎疗效观察[J]. 当代护理, 2025; 6: (1) : 14-17.