



Open Access Article

Contemporary Nursing. 2024; 5: (10) ; 36-38 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.cn.20240491.

Effect of nursing intervention on prevention of urogenic sepsis after holmium laser lithotripsy of upper urinary tract stones under risk assessment

作者: 沙小希 *

南通大学附属医院 江苏南通

*通讯作者: 沙小希,单位:南通大学附属医院 江苏南通;

发布时间: 2024-10-25 总浏览量: 416


目的 分析在上尿路结石钬激光碎石术患者中开展风险评估下护理干预对预防术后并发尿源性脓毒血症的影响效果。方法 随机抽取我医院收治的上尿路结石患者80例。根据随机数字表法分成观察组与对照组各有患者40例,两组患者均接受钬激光碎石术治疗,治疗期间对照组接受常规护理,观察组则开展风险评估下护理干预,对比并分析两组取得的护理效果。结果 观察组患者术后平均动脉压、心率以及肾功能各指标保持效果均优于对照组,最终患者的尿源性脓毒血症发生率均低于对照组,(P<0.05)。结论 通过开展风险评估下护理干预可有效提高上尿路结石钬激光碎石术患者的术后康复效果,减少患者术后尿源性脓毒血症的发生。

关键词: 尿路结石;钬激光碎石术;尿源性脓毒血症;风险评估下护理干预;效果分析


Objective To analyze the effect of nursing intervention under risk assessment on the prevention of postoperative urinary sepsis in patients undergoing holmium laser lithotripsy of upper urinary tract stones.
Methods 80 patients with upper urinary tract stones were randomly selected from our hospital. According to the random number table method, 40 patients were divided into the observation group and the control group. Both groups received holmium laser lithotripsy treatment, the control group received routine care during treatment, and the observation group received nursing intervention under risk assessment, and the nursing effects of the two groups were compared and analyzed.
Results The mean arterial pressure, heart rate and renal function in observation group were better than those in control group, and the incidence of urogenic sepsis in observation group was lower than that in control group (P<0.05).
Conclusion   Nursing intervention under risk assessment can effectively improve the postoperative rehabilitation effect of holmium laser lithotripsy of upper urinary tract stones and reduce the incidence of postoperative urogenic sepsis.

Key words: Urinary calculus; Holmium laser lithotripsy; Urogenic sepsis; Nursing intervention under risk assess-ment; Effect analysis

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沙小希, 风险评估下护理干预对预防上尿路结石钬激光碎石术后并发尿源性脓毒血症的影响[J]. 当代护理, 2024; 5: (10) : 36-38.