



Open Access Article

Contemporary Nursing. 2024; 5: (9) ; 29-31 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.cn.20240432.

Clinical nursing methods and effectiveness analysis of nebulized inhalation of bromhexyl hydrochloride for the prevention and treatment of postoperative complications in lung cancer

作者: 李荟莹1, 李学青2 *

1 山东第一医科大学附属肿瘤医院 山东济南

2 山东中医药大学附属医院 山东济南

*通讯作者: 李学青,单位: 山东中医药大学附属医院 山东济南;

发布时间: 2024-09-20 总浏览量: 349


目的 分析肺癌术后患者使用盐酸溴己新雾化吸入对其并发症防治的临床护理方法和效果。方法 纳入我院2022年8月~2023年10月内行手术治疗的肺癌患者80例,按照临床护理方式的不同,分为对照组(常规治疗护理)40例和观察组(盐酸溴己新治疗和针对性护理)40例,对比两组患者肺功能恢复情况和并发症发生情况。结果 干预前两组肺功能指标差异不显著(P>0.05)。干预后观察组用力肺活量、最大通气量和患者6min步行距离均高于对照组,并发症发生率(肺炎、感染、心律失常)低于对照组,组间对比均存在显著差异(P<0.05)。结论 临床对肺癌患者实施盐酸溴己新雾化吸入具有一定应用价值,该方式能够显著改善患者肺功能,减少术后并发症。

关键词: 盐酸溴己新;肺癌;术后并发症;临床护理


Objective To analyze the clinical nursing methods and effects of nebulized inhalation of bromhexine hydrochloride on the prevention and treatment of complications in postoperative lung cancer patients.
Methods Eighty lung cancer patients who underwent surgical treatment in our hospital from August 2022 to October 2023 were included. According to different clinical nursing methods, they were divided into a control group (conventional treatment nursing) of 40 cases and an observation group (bromhexine hydrochloride treatment and targeted nursing) of 40 cases. The recovery of lung function and incidence of complications were compared between the two groups.
Results There was no significant difference in lung function indicators between the two groups before intervention (P>0.05). After intervention, the forced lung capacity, maximum ventilation capacity, and 6-minute walking distance of the observation group were all higher than those of the control group, and the incidence of complications (pneumonia, infection, arrhythmia) was lower than that of the control group. There were significant differences between the groups (P<0.05).
Conclusion   The implementation of nebulized inhalation of bromhexyl hydrochloride in lung cancer patients has certain application value in clinical practice. This method can significantly improve lung function and reduce postoperative complications in patients.

Key words: Bromhexine hydrochloride; Lung cancer; Postoperative complications; Clinical nursing

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李荟莹, 李学青, 盐酸溴己新雾化吸入防治肺癌术后并发症的临床护理方法及效果分析[J]. 当代护理, 2024; 5: (9) : 29-31.