



Open Access Article

Contemporary Nursing. 2024; 5: (8) ; 168-170 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.cn.20240420.

Thinking on the influence of evidence-based nursing on the compliance of pediatric atomization treatment

作者: 黄清 *

闽侯县医院 福建福州

*通讯作者: 黄清,单位:闽侯县医院 福建福州;

发布时间: 2024-08-29 总浏览量: 221


目的 本文以儿科接受雾化治疗患儿分组实验为原则,简列相关研究数据,在雾化过程中实行循证护理干预予以辅助治疗,并深入进行探讨与分析。方法 本次研究样本为60例接受雾化治疗的患儿,研究时间选择于2022年1月至2023年1月间,所有研究样本以单双数字表法划分两组,将两组研究期间记录的各组数据进行组间对比,即临床疗效、患儿依从性、家长护理满意度等数据,以此作为研究价值体现依据。结果 实验组各项数据均显现一定优势性,其患儿依从性明显提高,且临床整体治疗有效率亦有所提升,由此患儿家长满意度高达96.67%(29/30),组间P<0.05已达到统计学意义。结论 循证护理干预方案的拟定与实施,其在雾化治疗过程中对患儿依从性、整体临床治疗有效率均有一定的促进作用,且可提高家长对其护理服务的满意度,从而推进护患关系和谐发展,此项干预方案可从本质上改善患儿预后质量,应用价值良好,故建议大规模推广、采纳与实践。

关键词: 循证护理;儿科;雾化治疗;依从性;临床疗效;满意度;影响价值


Objective In this paper, based on the principle of grouping experiment of pediatric children receiving atomization therapy, the relevant research data are briefly listed, and evidence-based nursing intervention is implemented to assist treatment in the process of atomization, and in-depth discussion and analysis are carried out.
Methods The sample of this study was 60 children who received atomization therapy, and the study time was selected from January 2022 to January 2023. All the study samples were divided into two groups by single and even digital table method, and the data of each group recorded during the study period of the two groups were compared between groups, including clinical efficacy, child compliance, and parental nursing satisfaction. Take this as the basis of research value.
Results All the data of the experimental group showed certain advantages, and the compliance of the children was significantly improved, and the overall clinical treatment efficiency was also improved, so the satisfaction of the parents of the children was as high as 96.67% (29/30), and the P < 0.05 between the groups reached statistical significance.
Conclusion   The formulation and implementation of evidence-based nursing intervention program can promote the compliance of children and the overall clinical treatment efficiency in the process of atomization therapy, and can improve parents' satisfaction with their nursing services, thus promoting the harmonious development of nurse-patient relationship. This intervention program can essentially improve the quality of prognosis of children, and has good application value. Therefore, it is suggested to popularize, adopt and practice on a large scale.

Key words: Evidence-based nursing; Department of Pediatrics; Atomization therapy; Compliance; Clinical effect; Satisfaction; Impact value

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黄清, 循证护理对儿科雾化治疗依从性的影响思考[J]. 当代护理, 2024; 5: (8) : 168-170.