



Open Access Article

Contemporary Nursing. 2024; 5: (7) ; 57-59 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.cn.20240330.

Observation on the therapeutic effect of modified Wenyang Huolong Pu Moxibustion in patients with insomnia of heart and spleen deficiency type

作者: 梁珊珊 *

广西中医药大学附属瑞康医院 广西南宁

*通讯作者: 梁珊珊,单位:广西中医药大学附属瑞康医院 广西南宁;

发布时间: 2024-07-16 总浏览量: 181


目的 以探索中医灸法治疗心脾两虚型不寐效果为研究目标,在临床中应用改良版温阳火龙铺灸,明确其对心脾两虚型不寐患者的影响。方法 以2021年12月-2023年7月时间段中于中医经典病房接受诊疗的心脾两虚型不寐患者为分析对象,共计80例,按照诊疗先后顺序设置成对照组(40例)、治疗组(40例),分别以常规手段、改良版温阳火龙铺灸手段实施两组治疗干预,对干预后两组中医证候积分及睡眠质量进行分析。结果 中医证候积分及睡眠质量方面,两组相比,治疗组各项值更低(P<0.05)。结论 在临床中应用改良版温阳火龙铺灸,可明显改善心脾两虚型不寐患者临床症状及睡眠质量。

关键词: 心脾两虚型不寐;改良版温阳火龙铺灸;中医证候积分;睡眠质量


Objective To explore the effect of traditional Chinese moxibustion in the treatment of heart-spleen and two-deficiency insomnia as the research objective, the modified version of Wenyang Huolongpu moxibustion was applied in clinical practice to clarify its influence on patients with heart-spleen and two-deficiency insomnia.
Methods From December 2021 to July 2023, a total of 80 patients with insomnia caused by heart and spleen asphyxia who received diagnosis and treatment in traditional Chinese medicine classic ward were selected as the analysis objects. They were divided into control group (40 cases) and treatment group (40 cases) according to the order of diagnosis and treatment. The two groups were treated by conventional means and modified version of Wenyang Huolongpu moxibustion. TCM syndrome scores and sleep quality of the two groups after intervention were analyzed.
Results Compared with the two groups, the scores of TCM syndrome and sleep quality were lower in the treatment group (P<0.05).
Conclusion   The modified version of Wenyang Huolongpu moxibustion can obviously improve the clinical symptoms and sleep quality of patients with insomnia caused by heart and spleen deficiency.

Key words: Nsomnia of heart and spleen deficiency type; Improved version of Wenyang Huolong Pu Moxibustion; Traditional Chinese Medicine syndrome integral; Sleep quality

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