



Open Access Article

Contemporary Nursing. 2024; 5: (6) ; 143-146 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.cn.20240302.

Rehabilitation nursing of a child with hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy behavior disorder caused by electrical injury

作者: 杨青青, 苏文辉 *, 王佳丽, 陈娅萍, 陈嘉乐, 郭亚潇

西安国际医学中心医院心肺疾病一科 陕西西安

*通讯作者: 苏文辉,单位:西安国际医学中心医院心肺疾病一科 陕西西安;

发布时间: 2024-06-19 总浏览量: 60



关键词: 学龄期儿童;电击伤;意识障碍;康复护理


Electrical injury refers to the body tissue damage and organ dysfunction caused by the current entering the human body after direct contact with the power supply. There may be local burns, mood changes, palpitations, painful muscle contractions, severe can cause the whole body to burn, heartbeat and respiratory arrest. Ischemic hypoxic encephalopathy usually occurs in children, which is mainly a diffuse brain injury caused by circulation or respiratory disorders, insufficient oxygen supply to the brain, and inability to meet metabolic needs. When children are subjected to electric shocks, there is also a chance of hypoxic encephalopathy. With the development of social and social economics, more and more electrical products go into our lives. These bring us a convenient life at the same time, but we also often see painful reports of electrical injury, so we should strengthen the safety of electricity knowledge and education: Do not touch the power switch with wet hands or wet cloth, do not shelter under the tree during thunderstorms, strictly abide by the technical operating procedures, and give active and effective treatment in time.

Key words: School-age children with electric shock injury; Consciousness disorder; Rehabilitation nursing

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杨青青, 苏文辉, 王佳丽, 陈娅萍, 陈嘉乐, 郭亚潇, 一例儿童电击伤所致缺血缺氧性脑病行为障碍的康复护理[J]. 当代护理, 2024; 5: (6) : 143-146.