Open Access Article
Contemporary Nursing. 2024; 5: (5) ; 51-54 ; DOI: 10.12208/
Analysis of the application effect of nurse patient communication in pediatric nursing
龙守娣 *
贵州医科大学第二附属医院 贵州凯里
龙守娣,单位:贵州医科大学第二附属医院 贵州凯里;
发布时间: 2024-05-24 总浏览量: 300
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目的 分析小儿护理中采取护患沟通的效果。方法 抽取本院在2022年1月-2023年1月期间收治的66例患儿为本次研究对象。依照随机数字表法分为参考组和实验组,其中前者行常规护理,后者在常规护理基础上采取护患沟通,每组33例。以负面情绪评分、护患纠纷发生率及家长护理满意度评价两组护理效果。结果 负面情绪评分对比显示,护理前两组对比差异小(P>0.05)。护理后实验组相比较参考组较低(P<0.05)。护患纠纷发生率对比显示,实验组低于参考组(P<0.05)。家长护理满意度对比显示,实验组显高于参考组(P<0.05)。结论 小儿护理中采取护患沟通有助于缓解患儿及家长负面情绪,减少护患纠纷发生,提高家长的护理满意度。
关键词: 护患沟通;小儿护理;应用效果;负面情绪评分;护患纠纷;护理满意度
Objective To analyze the effect of adopting nurse patient communication in pediatric nursing. Methods 66 pediatric patients admitted to our hospital from January 2022 to January 2023 were selected as the study subjects. According to the random number table method, they were divided into a reference group and an experimental group. The former received routine care, while the latter received nurse patient communication on the basis of routine care, with 33 cases in each group. Evaluate the nursing effects of two groups based on negative emotion scores, incidence of nurse patient disputes, and parental satisfaction with nursing care. Results The comparison of negative emotion scores showed that the difference between the two groups before nursing was small (P>0.05). The experimental group after nursing was lower than the reference group (P<0.05). The comparison of the incidence of nurse patient disputes showed that the experimental group was lower than the reference group (P<0.05). The comparison of parental nursing satisfaction showed that the experimental group was significantly higher than the reference group (P<0.05). Conclusion Adopting nurse patient communication in pediatric nursing can help alleviate negative emotions among children and parents, reduce nurse patient disputes, and improve parental satisfaction with nursing.
Key words: Nurse patient communication; Pediatric care; Application effect; Negative emotion score; Nurse patient disputes; Nursing satisfaction
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