目的 以改善气滞血瘀型胸痹症状为研究目标,在临床中实施穴位贴敷加中药热奄包,明确其对气滞血瘀型胸痹患者的影响。方法 以2023年4月-12月时间段中于院内接受诊疗的气滞血瘀型胸痹患者为分析对象,共计260例,按照诊疗先后顺序设置成对照组(130例)、观察组(130例),分别以常规手段、穴位贴敷加中药热奄包手段实施两组干预,对两组中医证候积分、生活质量进行分析。结果 中医证候积分、生活质量等方面,两组相比,干预后观察组各项值更佳(P<0.05)。结论 在临床中实施穴位贴敷加中药热奄包,能够对气滞血瘀型胸痹患者产生积极影响,有助于减轻临床指标,改善生活质量。
关键词: 气滞血瘀型胸痹;穴位贴敷;中药热奄包
Objective To improve the symptoms of Qi stagnation and blood stasis type chest impediment as the research objective, the clinical implementation of acupoint application plus Chinese medicine Rebao, to clarify its influence on Qi stagnation and blood stasis type chest impediment patients. Methods A total of 260 patients with chest obstruction of Qi stagnation and blood stasis who received diagnosis and treatment in the hospital from April to December 2023 were analyzed. They were divided into control group (130 cases) and observation group (130 cases) according to the order of diagnosis and treatment. Two groups of intervention were carried out by conventional means, acupoint application plus traditional Chinese medicine hot Bao. The TCM syndrome score and quality of life of two groups were analyzed. Results Compared with the two groups, the scores of TCM syndrome and quality of life were better in observation group after intervention (P<0.05). Conclusion In clinical practice, the application of acupoint application plus Remai Bao can have a positive effect on patients with chest arthralgia of qi stagnation and blood stasis, and help to reduce clinical indexes and improve quality of life.
Key words: Qi stagnation and blood stasis type chest impediment; Acupoint application; Hot dumpling with traditional Chinese medicine
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