目的 分析骨性关节炎行膝关节单踝置换术患者提供加速康复理念指导下精细化护理对患者的影响。方法 参与本次研究患者的数量为100例,时间范围2022年1月份至2022年12月份,分成甲组和乙组,每组有50例,甲组常规护理,乙组加速康复理念指导下精细化护理,比较两组患者的关节功能、生活质量以及情绪变化。结果 乙组患者的关节功能改善效果更佳,生活质量更佳,P<0.05。结论 对于骨性关节炎行膝关节单踝置换术患者提供加速康复理念指导下的精细化护理,可以改善患者的关节功能,提高患者的生活质量,促进了患者的恢复,值得推广。
关键词: 加速康复理念;精细化护理;骨性关节炎;膝关节单髁置换术;患者;影响
Objective To analyze the effect of intensive nursing under the guidance of accelerated rehabilitation concept on patients undergoing single ankle replacement for osteoarthritis. Methods 100 patients participated in this study, with a time range from January 2022 to December 2022, and were divided into group A and Group B, with 50 cases in each group. Group A received routine care and group B received intensive care under the guidance of the concept of accelerated rehabilitation. The joint function, quality of life and emotional changes of patients in the two groups were compared. Results The patients in group B had better joint function and quality of life (P<0.05). Conclusion Providing intensive care under the guidance of accelerated rehabilitation concept for patients undergoing single ankle knee replacement for osteoarthritis can improve the joint function of patients, improve the quality of life of patients, and promote the recovery of patients, which is worth promoting.
Key words: Accelerated rehabilitation concept; Fine care; Osteoarthritis; Unicondylar knee joint replacement; Patient; Influence
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