关键词: 钡中毒;心理;临床分析
Refers to the psychological crisis due to a sudden severe disasters, major life events or mental stress, the apparent change in the life situation, especially in the use of the existing living conditions and experience to overcome difficulties, to cause the parties in the pain, anxiety, often accompanied by despair, insensitive, anxiety, and plant nerve symptoms and behavior disorders [1]. In March 2020, we admitted a case of 12 patients with barium carbonate poisoning by mistake, but it was found that 11 patients who were successfully treated had different degrees of psychological problems. In view of this situation, after several psychological counseling, all patients gradually recovered to normal psychology. Through this study, we found that psychological factors play an important role in the treatment of barium poisoning and other toxic diseases, so clinical medical staff should also pay attention to the psychological diseases of patients with poisoning when treating physical diseases of patients.
Key words: Barium poisoning; Psychological; Clinical analysis
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