



Open Access Article

Contemporary Nursing. 2023; 4: (3) ; 141-144 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.cn.20230150.

Influence of continuous nursing on rehabilitation effect of discharged patients with knee osteoarthritis

作者: 郭红玉 *

沧州市第四医院(南皮县人民医院) 河北沧州

*通讯作者: 郭红玉,单位:沧州市第四医院(南皮县人民医院) 河北沧州;

发布时间: 2023-03-20 总浏览量: 253


目的 探究延续性护理对膝骨关节炎出院患者康复效果的影响。方法 回顾本院2021.7-2022.7收治并顺利治疗出院的膝骨关节炎患者60例展开研究,以计算机单双数分组形式,将其中的60例纳入对照组,施行膝骨关节炎常规出院指导。其他60例纳入观察组施行出院后的延续性护理,对比两组患者出院时、出院后三个月的锻炼依从性;统计两组健康调查简表SF-36下,出院时、出院三个月、出院六个月的生活质量评分。统计两组出院三个月时的Fugl-Meyer评定量表肢体运动障碍等级。结果 观察组的锻炼依从性始终较高,对照组出院后的锻炼依从性降低,观察组生活质量指数逐渐提升,对照组也有所提升但速度较慢。观察组肢体运动障碍等级较低,对照组等级偏高,(P<0.05)。结论 膝骨关节炎需较长治愈时间,出院后患者应坚持训练促使骨关节活动障碍减轻,延续性护理可支持患者出院后仍旧维持运动,促使患者尽快康复,降低骨关节障碍影响,进而提升生活质量。

关键词: 延续性护理;膝骨关节炎;康复效果


Objective To explore the effect of continuous nursing on the rehabilitation of discharged patients with knee osteoarthritis.
Methods 60 patients with knee osteoarthritis who were admitted and discharged from our hospital from July 2021 to July 2022 were reviewed and studied. 60 of them were included in the control group in the form of single and even computer grouping, and routine discharge guidance for knee osteoarthritis was performed. The other 60 cases were included in the observation group for continuous nursing after discharge, and the exercise compliance of the two groups at discharge and three months after discharge was compared; The quality of life scores of the two groups at the time of discharge, three months after discharge, and six months after discharge were calculated according to the health survey brief form SF-36. The grade of limb movement disorder in Fugl Meyer rating scale was calculated at the three months after discharge in the two groups.
Results the exercise compliance of the observation group was always high, the exercise compliance of the control group was decreased after discharge, the quality of life index of the observation group was gradually increased, and the control group was also improved, but the speed was slow. The grade of Limb Dyskinesia in the observation group was lower than that in the control group (P < 0.05).
Conclusion   knee osteoarthritis needs a long time to be cured. After discharge, patients should adhere to training to reduce the bone and joint movement disorder. Continuous nursing can support patients to maintain exercise after discharge, promote patients to recover as soon as possible, reduce the impact of bone and joint disorders, and then improve the quality of life.

Key words: continuous nursing; Knee osteoarthritis

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郭红玉, 延续性护理对膝骨关节炎出院患者康复效果的影响[J]. 当代护理, 2023; 4: (3) : 141-144.