



Open Access Article

Contemporary Nursing. 2023; 4: (2) ; 27-29 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.cn.20230046.

The role of standardized respiratory nursing in elderly patients after lung cancer surgery

作者: 王忠琴, 崔桃桃 *

徐州市中心医院 江苏徐州

*通讯作者: 崔桃桃,单位:徐州市中心医院 江苏徐州;

发布时间: 2022-09-20 总浏览量: 280


目的 谈论规范化呼吸护理运用在肺癌术后老年患者的影响。方法 本项研究于2020年6月正式施行,截止时间是2021年6月。选用此期间到笔者医院救治的70例肺癌术后老年病人作为研究对象,依照护理方案的不同归为对照组与实验组,每小组内部35例。前者病人实行常规形式的护理,后者病人实行规范化呼吸护理,分析两小组病人的并发症发作率、护理满意度、肺功能指标及生活质量。结果 实验组病人经有效干预后其护理满意度理想增长比对照组更高,并发症发作率显著更低;实验组的肺功能指标得到理想提升且高于对照组;实验组的生活质量水平得到理想提升且高于对照组,组间差异用(P<0.05)代表,具有研究性。结论 对肺癌术后老年患者实习规范化呼吸护理,利于肺功能得到理想改善,提升患者的生活质量水平及满意度,确保其预后恢复理想。

关键词: 规范化呼吸护理;肺癌术后老年患者;生活质量;护理满意度


Objective To discuss the effect of standardized respiratory nursing in elderly patients after lung cancer surgery.
Methods: This study was officially implemented in June 2020, and the deadline was June 2021. 70 elderly patients with lung cancer after treatment in the author's hospital during this period were selected as the research objects, and divided into the control group and the experimental group according to the different nursing programs, with 35 cases in each group. The former patients were given routine nursing care, and the latter patients were given standardized respiratory care. The incidence of complications, nursing satisfaction, pulmonary function indicators and quality of life were analyzed in the two groups.
Results: After effective intervention, the patients in the experimental group had a higher ideal increase in nursing satisfaction than the control group, and the incidence of complications was significantly lower; the pulmonary function indexes of the experimental group were ideally improved and higher than those in the control group; the quality of life of the experimental group It was ideally improved and higher than the control group, and the difference between groups was represented by (P < 0.05), which was researchable.
Conclusion  : The practice of standardized respiratory care for elderly patients after lung cancer surgery is beneficial to the ideal improvement of lung function, improve the quality of life and satisfaction of patients, and ensure that their prognosis recovers ideally.

Key words: standardized respiratory care; elderly patients after lung cancer surgery; quality of life; nursing satisfaction

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