



Open Access Article

Contemporary Nursing. 2023; 4: (1) ; 79-81 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.cn.20230025.

Effects of continuing nursing combined with wechat platform education on self-care of patients withtemporary enterostomy after rectal cancer surgery

作者: 周正凤 *

广西贵港市人民医院 广西贵港

*通讯作者: 周正凤,单位:广西贵港市人民医院 广西贵港;

发布时间: 2022-09-15 总浏览量: 296


目的 分析直肠癌术后临时肠造口期间,延续护理结合微信平台教育对患者自我护理的影响。方法取自本院2018年1月至2022年1月160例直肠癌术后临时肠造口患者开展研究,以随机法对患者分类,分别施行组中80例的常规延续随访护理(随访组),施行组中80例的延续护理结合微信平台教育(联合组),对比自我护理测定ESCA(Exercise of Self—Care Agency Scale)分别对患者干预前、后的自我护理技能、自我责任感、自我概念、健康认知进行评分;以造口患者生命质量量表(中文版)C-COH对患者干预前、干预一个月、干预三个月的生命质量进行评分。结果 干预前患者的自我护理技能、自我责任感、自我概念、健康认知评分差异不明显,造口患者生命质量量表C-COH差异不明显,干预后,联合组患者的ESCA指数有所提升,C-COH指数略高,(P<0.05)。结论 直肠癌术后临时肠造口过程中,积极施行延续护理并依托于微信的平台,实时展开延续教育,有助于提升患者自我护理能力,促使患者形成疾病与保健认知,具有造口概念形成自护责任,可在患者自护技能提升后提高其生命质量,且时间越长干预的效果越明显,护理需延续到三月期,改善预后。

关键词: 延续护理;微信平台教育;直肠癌术后;临时肠造口;自我护理


Objective: To analyze the influence of continuous nursing combined with wechat platform education on self-care of patients during temporary enterostomy after rectal cancer surgery.
Methods: 160 patients with temporary enterostomy after rectal cancer surgery in our hospital from January 2018 to January 2022 were selected for this study. Patients were classified by random method, and 80 patients in the group were respectively treated with conventional continuing follow-up care (follow-up group), and 80 patients in the group were treated with continuing care combined with wechat platform education (combined group). ESCA (Exercise of Self-Care Agency Scale) was used to score patients' self-care skills, self-responsibility, self-concept and health cognition before and after intervention. The quality of life of patients with ostomy was scored by C-COH before intervention, one month after intervention and three months after intervention.
Results: There were no significant differences in self-care skills, self-responsibility, self-concept and health cognition scores of patients before intervention, and no significant differences in C-COH of quality of life scale of patients with ostomy. After intervention, ESCA index of patients in the combined group was improved, and C-COH index was slightly higher (P<0.05).
Conclusion  : Colorectal cancer postoperative temporary process after colostomy, and actively implement the continuation of care on WeChat platform, real-time continue education, help to improve patients' self-care ability, encourage patients to form disease and health cognition, with colostomy concept formation since the responsibility, can be in patients after nursing skills upgrading to improve the quality of life, and the longer the effect of the intervention, the more obvious, Nursing should be continued into trimester to improve prognosis.

Key words: continuing nursing; Wechat platform education; Postoperative rectal cancer; Temporary enterostomy; Self care

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周正凤, 延续护理结合微信平台教育对直肠癌术后临时肠造口患者自我护理的影响[J]. 当代护理, 2023; 4: (1) : 79-81.