



Open Access Article

Contemporary Nursing. 2021; 2: (6) ; 66-68 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.cn.20210129.

Epidemiological investigation of wisdom tooth pericoronitis in soldiers and soldiers in plateau and cold region

作者: 孙琴, 孙宇萌, 张敬, 路光平, 吐逊阿依·哈斯木 *

陆军第九五一医院 新疆巴音郭楞蒙古自治州库尔勒

陆军军医大学 重庆

新疆巴州人民医院 新疆巴音郭楞蒙古自治州库尔勒

*通讯作者: 吐逊阿依·哈斯木,单位:陆军第九五一医院 新疆巴音郭楞蒙古自治州库尔勒;

发布时间: 2021-12-20 总浏览量: 280


目的 调查分析高原高寒地区官兵口腔智齿冠周炎的发生情况和影响因素。方法 随机抽取2021年12月9日-2022年5月30日驻训新疆某地海拔为4980米高原高寒地区的1098名官兵作为调查对象,按照年龄分为对照组(30岁以上)和观察组(18-30岁),均利用口腔问卷实施调查,且进行口腔检查,统计分析高原高寒地区官兵智齿冠周炎发生的年龄段、智齿冠周炎发生部位和高原高寒官兵每日饭后刷牙次数。结果 在1098例官兵中,导致冠周炎的原因中,水平与近中阻生类型是占比均较高,均明显高于其他类型引发的智齿冠周炎患病率,同饭后刷牙次数≤1次/d的官兵相比,饭后刷牙次数>1次/d的官兵智齿冠周炎发生率更高,观察组的智齿冠周炎患病率为26.9%,明显高于对照组的14.6%,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)结论 生活在高原高寒地区的官兵其生活脚尖以及医疗条件均较差,再加上官兵对口腔健康的认知欠缺,导致智齿冠周炎的患病率较高,针对这一现象,应加强对高原高寒地区官兵的口腔健康知识的宣教,提高医疗保障力度,减少高原高寒地区官兵智齿冠周炎的发生率。

关键词: 高原高寒地区官兵;智齿冠周炎;口腔健康;阻生类型;刷牙次数


Objective: To investigate and analyze the occurrence and influencing factors of oral pericoronitis of wisdom teeth in soldiers and soldiers in plateau and cold region.
Methods: A total of 1098 soldiers and soldiers stationed at an altitude of 4980 meters in Xinjiang from December 9, 2021 to May 30, 2022 were randomly selected as the subjects. They were divided into control group (over 30 years old) and observation group (18-30 years old) according to their age. Oral questionnaire and oral examination were conducted respectively. The age, location and daily brushing frequency of wisdom tooth pericoronitis in plateau and cold area were analyzed statistically.
Results: Among the 1098 enlisted soldiers, the incidence of pericoronitis caused by mesial and horizontal impacted types was the highest, which was significantly higher than that caused by other types of wisdom tooth. The incidence of wisdom tooth pericoronitis in soldiers and soldiers who brushed their teeth less than or equal to once a day after meals was significantly higher than that in soldiers and soldiers who brushed their teeth more than once a day after meals. The prevalence of wisdom tooth peroronitis in the observation group was 26.9%, which was significantly higher than that in the control group (14.6%), and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). Medical care and living conditions of plateau cold area is limited, plus the officers and men lack knowledge on oral health, lead to wisdom tooth pericoronitis prevalence rate is higher, in reaction to the phenomenon, we should strengthen the oral health of officers and soldiers of the cold area on the plateau of knowledge education, improve the medical security, reduce the incidence of plateau cold area troops wisdom teeth pericoronitis.

Key words: Officers and Soldiers in Plateau and Cold Area; Pericoronitis of Wisdom Teeth; Oral Health; Obstructed Type; Brush Your Teeth Number

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孙琴, 孙宇萌, 张敬, 路光平, 吐逊阿依·哈斯木, 高原高寒地区官兵智齿冠周炎流行病调查[J]. 当代护理, 2021; 2: (6) : 66-68.